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Responsible according to § 5 TMG 

Fritz Mayr, Managing Director
CIM GmbH Logistik-Systeme
Livry-Gargan-Straße 10
82256 Fürstenfeldbruck
Phone: +49 8141 5102-0
Fax: +49 8141 5102-345
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The District Court of Hamburg in its decision of 12 May, 1998, ruled that the owner of a homepage may also be liable for the content of any Internet sites which are linked from the owner’s website. According to the Court, the owner of a website may however be exempt from said liability in so far as they explicitly distance themselves from the contents of linked sites.
While we make every effort to keep the information on our website up-to-date, we cannot guarantee that the information is always complete, accurate and current. Our site contains links to third-party websites. CIM GmbH is not responsible for the content of these websites. CIM GmbH reserves the right to change, remove or amend information on this website without prior notice.

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The authors endeavour to observe the copyrights of the graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts used in all publications, to use graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts prepared by CIM GmbH itself or to access licence-free graphics, audio documents, video sequences and texts in the public domain.
All hallmarks and trademarks which are named or protected by third parties are subject unreservedly to the terms and conditions of the respective valid trademark law. The copyright for objects prepared and published by the authors themselves (CIM GmbH) remains solely with the authors. All texts, images and other works published on the website are subject to – unless otherwise indicated – the copyright of CIM GmbH, Livry-Gargan-Str. 10, 82256 Fürstenfeldbruck. Duplication, dissemination, storage, transmission, reproduction or passing on of the contents is not permitted without the written permission of CIM GmbH.


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© 1999 - 2020 CIM GmbH. All rights reserved. Version May 2020. All data subject to change without prior notice.

This is a courtesy translation into English. Note that only the original German version of the text is legally binding.

Actueel nieuws en persberichten

Directiewisseling zet familietraditie voort

CIM GmbH, een toonaangevende leverancier van innovatieve technologische oplossingen op het gebied van logistieke software uit Zuid-Duitsland, kondigt een belangrijke generatiewisseling in zijn management aan. Na vele jaren succesvol management door het echtpaar Fritz en  Franziska Mayr, die het bedrijf…

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CIM ist auf der Messe: Logistics & Automation in Dortmund vertreten

Wir sind mit unserem Stand auf der Logistics & Automation vom 15.05. bis 16.05.2024 vertreten und präsentieren sämtliche Features unserer voll konfigurierbaren Warehouse Management Software PROLAG World. Das System bildet alle Erfordernisse moderner Intralogistik ab. Lagerverwaltung, Automation, Gefahrgutmanagement, Produktion, Versand…

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Neues Buch des Fraunhofer-Instituts in Zusammenarbeit mit CIM GmbH

Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML veröffentlichte ein neues Buch zum Thema: „Prozessoptimierung in der Intralogistik“. Wir als CIM GmbH beteiligten uns hier mit einem interessanten Praxisbeitrag zur "Künstlichen Intelligenz im WMS". Das Buch bietet eine Art Leitfaden, um die Effizienz…

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