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The beverages industry is characterised by a huge variety of different articles, usually stored in block storage areas or pallet racks and shelving systems. Seasonal and weather-related fluctuations also impact the demand for certain drinks. These peaks and troughs in demand result in significant variations with respect to the volume of orders and picks. A reliable and flexible warehouse management solution is therefore imperative so that you can react quickly to fluctuations and make the necessary tweaks to your logistics processes.

Empties management is another key aspect of the beverages sector. Bottles, crates or entire drink displays – deposit return systems and empties management often present companies with a major challenge. You’ll be ideally equipped to face this challenge with PROLAG®World’s Empties management module.

With a comprehensive range of additional functions such as clustered putaway, vehicle routing optimisation, dynamic management of block stacking areas or expiry date monitoring, PROLAG®World is a flexible and reliable solution for the beverages sector.


Our warehouse management highlights for the beverages industry

  • Vehicle routing optimisation
  • Order proposals: seasonality
  • Empties management and returns management
  • Batch management and expiry date monitoring
  • Dashboard and warehouse visualisation
  • Extension module for empties management
  • Extension module for automated storage

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