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CIM Logistics consulting

Logistics consulting

CIM is your full service partner for intralogistics solutions and offers professional consulting services for your logistics projects.

Logistics consulting – systematic and proactive

We perform an in-depth analysis of your intralogistics processes including warehouse layout, putaway strategies, material flows, interface communication and other individual factors. Based on this expert analysis, we then offer tailored consulting services including an evaluation of your current logistics processes to identify how they can be optimised using our software components.

Besides the strategic planning phase, we provide our expertise and support right up to go-live and beyond.

From strategic planning to implementation

Our established standard procedures and careful milestone planning will help you achieve your goals.

Each customer is assigned a dedicated project manager and a team of experts to guide them through their project from start to finish.



 Consulting phases for your logistics projects

Process optimisation, visualisation and configuration 

At the process optimisation stage, we identify which solutions in PROLAG®World are best for your warehouse workflows. Target processes are then visualised and the project management team configures the standard system, making any customisations that are required.


Performance test


The performance test is an internal test which is carried out by the quality assurance team based on established test scenarios.


Basic training


The basic training course provides an introduction to PROLAG®World and is designed for warehouse staff, key users and administrators.


Preliminary acceptance


At the preliminary acceptance stage, the configured warehouse management system is presented to the customer for verification.

Integration testing

Integration testing takes place on site and involves intensive validation of your PROLAG®World system.
The warehouse management software undergoes performance tests with real data.


PROLAG®World does not go-live until the entire project team is satisfied with the outcome of the tests.

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