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Whether your query is about software or hardware, CIM provides comprehensive support for your intralogistics solution and guarantees process security.

Software support

Our highly-qualified support team is familiar with every single customer project. Once your warehouse management solution has gone live, there’s a detailed handover from the project team to the support team. In other words, our experts know your system inside out and are always on hand to answer questions or help resolve issues.

From 1st level right through to 3rd level support, you’re always guaranteed a prompt response from a professional. We make sure that everything runs smoothly and that any incidents are resolved as quickly and effectively as possible.

As well as resolving acute problems, the support team continuously monitors our customer systems and can often prevent incidents before they occur.


Hardware support

If a mobile device or a pick-by-voice solution isn’t operating correctly, speed is of the essence.  If you purchase your hardware through CIM, a fast response is guaranteed: just get in touch and we’ll have the device repaired or replaced as quickly as possible.

Just send us an This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at +49 8141 5102-0.

We’re looking forward to hearing from you!


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