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Apprentice office manager (m/w/x)

At CIM, we’re proud to look back on almost 40 years of innovation in warehouse management software, long-term customer relationships and fair working practices. Together, our team of 100 employees is building a successful future for our company and customers.

As part of a three-year apprenticeship in office management based in Fürstenfeldbruck, you will acquire specialist knowledge of the following areas:

  • General office operation and organisation
  • Inventory management and maintenance of proper stock levels
  • Purchase order and invoice processing
  • HR management
  • Marketing
  • Accounting & controlling
  • Purchasing
  • Sales and customer service

The apprenticeship will consist of on-the-job training at CIM and classroom-based learning at the Berufsschule (technical college) in Fürstenfeldbruck.
Starting date is 1 September, 2023.


Interested? Send your application to:

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Your contact: Michael Dietrich

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